
- Castings2016-11-01
Castingcan refer to the production of moulded products which require further fabrication (the solid aluminium output of a smelter), as well as near-net shape products, that require limited subsequent processing.Primary Aluminum ProductsNear Shapes Molten


- High efficiency desizing and scouring powder brightening agent HT-1089C2016-10-27
Classification:Chemical Auxiliary AgentCAS No.:38099100Other Names:Desizing powderMF:NAEINECS No.:230-993-8Purity:99%Place of Origin:Guangdong, China (Mainland)Type:Textile ChemicalUsage:Coating Auxiliary Agents, Textile Auxiliary Agents, Water Treatment


- Reduction2016-10-24
ReductionThe Hall-Heroult process, developed in 1886 independently by American Charles Martin Hall and Frenchman Paul Heroult, is the sole industrial method for the smelting of primary aluminium.It involves passing a large electric current through a molte


- Congratulations on the Central Line Aluminum website2016-09-21
Xuzhou Huazhong Aluminium Co., Ltd is located in Xuzhou Yunlong Industrial Zone, at the confluence of Longhai railway and Beijing Shanghai railway, where the Jing-Fu Freeway and the Lian-Huo highway are passing through . lTransportation is very convenient


- Congratulations on the Central Line Aluminum website2016-09-21
Xuzhou Huazhong Aluminium Co., Ltd is located in Xuzhou Yunlong Industrial Zone, at the confluence of Longhai railway and Beijing Shanghai railway, where the Jing-Fu Freeway and the Lian-Huo highway are passing through . lTransportation is very convenient